Upgrade your break room to a Provender GrabNGo Micro Market
It’s a fully stocked
Micro Market right
in your workplace.
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GrabNGo Micro Market.

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Is your employee driving 5 km for a coffee that tastes like water?
Healthy Micro Market Makes Employees Happier

Healthy Micro Markets boost employee happiness by offering convenient access to fresh and nutritious food options, leading to increased energy, focus, and satisfaction. With wholesome choices readily available in the workplace, employees are empowered to make healthier lifestyle decisions, fostering a culture of well-being and productivity while demonstrating employer support for their holistic health.


From the layout and placement of your Micro Market through to the product selection and range, we personalise the right fit and mix of food and drinks to satisfy and delight your employees.

Leveraging our national supplier and distribution network, we can source an endless range of fresh and healthy food, drink and snack products to cater for the dietary needs of your entire workforce.

Feed the minds of your workforce.
Attract talent & great staff
Encourage community & collaboration
Feed the minds of your workforce.
Micro Market
Macro Benefits!
Download our GrabNGo information eBook today
Provender GrabNGo Micro Market is right for your company if…

You have over 80 staff members on-site everyday

You care about the health and wellbeing of your workforce

Other reasons to consider a Provender GrabNGo Micro Market:

GrabNGo Micro Market.